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Come to Learn. Stay to Grow.

I would like to join the track club?

Membership to QE2 Track Club is available all year around.  We have two seasons - cross country and track and field. To register with QEII Track Club you will need to register with Queensland Athletics.  Each membership option has different benefits, restrictions and competition entry fees that apply. Each option provides membership until 30 September each year and includes coverage for Personal Accident Insurance under the National Insurance Program. Please refer to the QA website for more information. 

I need to order the club uniform?

Please download an order form from our website and email it to our uniforms co-ordinator. She will respond within 24 hours. Please allow at least 1 week for ordering and delivering. 


I am looking for a social running squad?

QEII Track Club does not offer social running squads but do we have coaches that runs individual squads. Most squads operate from the State Athletic Facility (QEII warm up track) at Nathan. Each coach has their own requirements for squad participation and their own scale of fees for coaching.


Does my membership mean that I can train at QSAC for free?

​No, there is a fee payable at the entry gate.  Refer to the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre website for more detail.


​What days does the club train?

The Club does not offer squad training.  We have Coaches that are affiliated with QEII Track Club but coach in individual squads.  Each coach has their own requirements for squad participation and their own scale of fees for coaching. Club equipment is available for use during squad coaching only under the supervision of a Club Coach. This includes throwing implements, starting blocks, sleds, medicine balls, Swiss balls and much more.


Can I borrow the Equipment from the shed for private use?

No - The Club equipment is available for use during training only under the supervision of a Club coach and needs to be returned to the shed after use. We have a wide range of equipment for use by QEII Track Club coaches with their squads. It is expensive to acquire this gear however and we ask that coaches take the utmost care in its supervision and return after training (count it out and count it back in please). In this way, we can build on our resources over the years rather than just replacing lost gear every year. It is your club’s equipment – so look out for it and look after it.


I have small children, can they join the Club?

No - The minimum age of joining QEII Track Club is 12 years of age.  Please refer to your local Little Athletics Club for more information about joining their program for competitions. 

​We however do have coaches that have junior training squads so please refer to our Coaching tab for more information.

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